the Meantime Chronicles Volume 2
What are The Meantime Chronicles?
When it comes right down to it, what do any of us truly have? Our stories. Our stories are something that can never be taken away from us, they are things we can decide to write new pages, whole chapters, or an entire new book whenever we want! Your relationships, your wealth, your happiness, your health, these will all wax and wane but even the ups and downs of those only add to the uniqueness of our individual tales. The Meantime Chronicles were born out of my own story of frustration in my artistic pursuits. At a time when I was convinced I wanted to take an indefinite break from creating things (something I had never considered in 36 years of life) I decided to roll the dice on an avenue of expression I had yet to explore- writing. I joined my love and skill in illustration with my newfound interest in writing and committed to creating an original short story and illustration each week for the entire year of 2022. This endeavor would yield my first self-published book, The Meantime Chronicles Volume I. Now, a mere two years later, I am over half way through the second volume of The Chronicles, except this time I’m bringing fifty-two + of my friends and peers along for the ride. At the end of 2023 I was feeling the strong desire to create a second volume of this series but I felt I needed a ‘hook’ to differentiate between the two volumes. It wasn’t until a critique of my first book, by my uncle over the holidays, that I realized the potential in including a different and unique voice each week in this new volume. All of the sudden the second volume of The Chronicles had legs. This time around the structure is the same, one original short story and illustration each week for the year, except now the story is prompted by a different person from anywhere around the globe. Friends, family, artists, acquaintances via social media, and people I encounter along the way are all included in this iteration. These efforts will all be capped off by a national book tour through the use of their connections and via the small trailer I’m currently building by hand. After all, most of what life is comprised of is what we do in the meantime- so make the meantime matter.
Where can I read the stories?
You can find all of the stories and art by following along with Kyle here on instagram, or they’re available right here on this website!
What happens when the stories are completed?
In 2025 Kyle is going to organize all fifty-two collaborative works into a book and take that book on a national tour across the United States in a handmade tear-drop trailer!
Can I preorder a book?
Yes! There will be a limited edition first printing hardback and then paperback edition to follow- pre-orders available soon! But in the meantime the first volume of The Chronicles can be ordered here
Can I purchase an original work?
You sure can if you’re willing to wait an unspecified amount of time- Contact Kyle for more details. He will be exhibiting all fifty-two custom framed works in various galleries all over America in 2025. There are also a handful of originals left from volume one still for purchase which can be found here
Are there prints of the works?
Yes, a specific few works will be reproduced as prints for purchase.
For Collaborators:
What do I need to participate?
All I need from you is a writing prompt and a photo of you! The prompt can be anything from one word up to one paragraph. For example all of The Dirk Marlowe stories were created because one friend challenged me to make a story about the single word: “bop.”
How do I participate beyond my story prompt?
Kyle is organizing a multi-month book tour across the United States and, hopefully, abroad in 2025! If you are participating in the project (or would like to!) let Kyle know if you’d be willing to secure a location for a stop! He encourages you to be creative in your location selection- think your favorite coffee shop, brewery, maybe you guide peloton classes; let’s cycle through a class and talk about the book afterward… or during! It’s a constantly evolving plan for a grand adventure, that Kyle would love for you to take part in!